You can use ClickPOS ConneX to print merchant receipts from browsers other than Microsoft Internet Explorer.
- Merchant terminal to be fully established and functional with PC EFTPOS software.
Contact your bank/merchant service provider if you are not currently activated for PC EFTPOS and would like to start integrating.
- PC EFTPOS activated payment type button must be available
- PC EFTPOS must be activated by ClickPOS for the required branch
Please contact ClickPOS if PC EFTPOS is setup and you require branch activation for PC EFTPOS in ClickPOS.
- ClickPOS ConneX must be installed and activated
Please proceed to the installation and Activation instructions page/s for further information.
Creating a link to ClickPOS ConneX
- Open ClickPOS ConneX on the Windows Host PC
- Make note of the Host Name Address
- Login to ClickPOS
- Navigate to Maintain > System Admin > Intelligent Functions > Merchant Setup
- Select the Branch
- Select the Payment Type (This will only display PC EFTPOS Enabled payment types)
- Select the Till ID (Till will only display based on quantity set within Store Maintenance)
- Select the ConneX Host Name (This is the host name noted in step 2)
- Click OK to save
- Repeat with other Branch/Till/Payment Type combinations