A. Select the Plan:
Carrier: Telstra Repayment (Hardware)
Plan Type: Hardware Repayment Option
Category: Siebel: REPAY-HRO
Network Type: HRO
Value: 0
Months: 0
Plan Name for Siebel (Serialised/IMEI):
* Telstra Hardware Repayment Option - 12Mths
* Telstra Hardware Repayment Option - 24Mths
* Telstra Hardware Repayment Option - 36Mths
Plan Name for Siebel (Barcode):
* Telstra Hardware Repayment Option (Accessories) - 12Mths
* Telstra Hardware Repayment Option (Accessories) - 24Mths
* Telstra Hardware Repayment Option (Accessories) - 36Mths
Plan Name for Console (Serialised/IMEI):
* Telstra Hardware Repayment Options - 12Mths ** Supplied by Telstra Corporation
* Telstra Hardware Repayment Options - 24Mths ** Supplied by Telstra Corporation
* Telstra Hardware Repayment Options - 36Mths ** Supplied by Telstra Corporation
Plan Name for Console (Barcode):
* Telstra Hardware Repayment Options (Accessories) - 12Mths ** Supplied by Telstra Corporation
* Telstra Hardware Repayment Options (Accessories) - 24Mths ** Supplied by Telstra Corporation
* Telstra Hardware Repayment Options (Accessories) - 36Mths ** Supplied by Telstra Corporation
B. Commit the product:
For Serialised/IMEI:
- Scan the Serial/IMEI directly into the Imei/Sim field
- Click Search
- Enter the HRO value into the Service (Hardware Repayment Option) field
- Enter Service Identifier into the Mobile Number field
- Enter any additional information required
- Click OK to commit
For Barcode:
- Select 'Repayment - HRO (Accessories)' in the phone type dropdown box
- Click Search
- Enter the HRO value into the Service (Hardware Repayment Option) field
- Enter Service Identifier into the Mobile Number field
- Enter any additional information required
- Click OK
- Scan the Barcode into the *New* popup windowNote:
This window will expect the sale price of the product to match the value entered into the service field in Step 3.
If the value of the product is greater, either discount the product.
Tick 'Approve Additional Tender' if the customer will be paying the additional gap in store. - Click Save to commit