- Raise a new invoice and add all items that the customer would like to purchase.
- Verify the total with the customer, then click the Zip payment button located in the payment area.
(Note: Name, colour, and button location may vary depending on payment setup)
- Within the popup window, either scan the store code directly from the customer's mobile device.
Or ask the customer to read out the In-Store code located within their device's Zip application, - Click confirm to proceed.
- Ask the customer to verify the transaction within their mobile device's Zip application by tapping the confirm option when it becomes visible.
- The customer will be prompt with a purchase confirmation window within their mobile device to confirm that the payment was processed and are eligible to receive their goods or services.
- ClickPOS will generate an invoice and print it to the default or selected printer to confirm completion.
- (Multiple Payment Methods)
If the customer is paying a partial amount via another payment method, this other method must be processed for invoice completion.
In this case, the Zip payment has been processed and is expecting the finalisation of the invoice as per Zip merchant guidelines.