Designate the default printers assigned to a specific Branch and Till ID.
Important Note:
Intelligent Printers & Printers using ClickPOS ConneX must be configured prior to exercising the following steps. If these steps are not followed the device will not be displayed in the printer selection pane.
Epson OPOS printers will use 'Epson Direct Print' by default. OPOS can be configured at any interval, either before or after the configuration of 'per till' printer configuration.
1. Navigate to Maintain > System Admin > Intelligent Printing > Till Print Setup Tab
2. Select the relevant Branch/Store & the Till ID
Note: The designated amount of 'Tills' per branch can be assigned under Maintain > System Admin > Store Maintenance.
3. Drag & Drop required printers from Unconfigured Printers to Configured Printers
Note: The order in which you place the printers is how it will display on the sale screen. The 1st entry in the list will be your default printer and will be automatically selected once that till has been selected within the sales invoice.
4. Drag & Drop non-required printers from Configured Printers to Unconfigured Printers
5. Click Edit to save
6. Success: You can now verify by proceeding to the sale screen.