Occasionally you will be required to return items back to the supplier for a credit. Or there may even be times where a supplier will provide a rebate or bonus funds for selling a quota on a promotion they are offering.
When this happens, your cost of goods sold decreases essentially increasing GP/revenue. So in these cases we need to utilise the purchase price on a item to effectively offset the increase in revenue.
Navigation : |
Home > Stock > Product Maintain Home > Stock > Add to Stock Home > Sale > Sell Product |
Target Audience : | All Employees |
Create a 'Supplier Credit Note' product under Stock > Product Maintain
Note: You can either create 1 item that can be used for all suppliers. Alternatively you can create one for each supplier that you would receive a credit from.
Compulsory Fields
- Barcode
- Enter a logical code such as 'creditnote' or 'cnote'
- Sup.Prod.Code
- Utilise the barcode in previous step
- Product Name
- Enter a logical name such as 'Supplier Credit Note'
- Category
- Select a logical category that best suits this practice. Suggest creation of a new category such as 'Credit Note'
Note: Financial Integration users must map this to the chart of accounts.
- Supplier
- Either select inhouse, internal or similar if using the same code for all suppliers. Select the relevant supplier If you are creating one for each supplier
Optional Fields
- Sell without entry in stock
- This is determined by process selected. If you plan on waiting until the supplier has processed the credit note prior to valuing in ClickPOS then you would tick this option. If you plan on starting the process at the time you apply for the credit and finalizing after the credit has been processed then you would leave this option unticked. The latter option will expect you to stock the credit note into inventory and then process when it has been finalized.
Example product
Valuing the credit note in ClickPOS
Option 1: Value once supplier has processed credit note
Note: Ensure you have the ability to modify purchase price of a product within a sale. Without this permission active you will be unable to perform the following steps
- Navigate to a new invoice
- Select or create the supplier as a customer
- Tick 'view'
- Enter the credit note barcode into the barcode field and click OK
- Modify the purchase price to a negative value of the credit note.
- Optional: Enter any required notes
- Click OK to commit price and other information
- Click NIL PAY to finalise
- Done
Option 2: Start when applying for credit and finalise once processed
- Navigate to Stock > Add to Stock
- Search for the item barcode
- Click on barcode
- Ensure supplier is correct
- Modify the purchase price to a negative value of the credit note
- Enter 1 in QTY (Quantity)
- Enter a supplier invoice number
- Click OK
- Select 'Cancel' if asked to permanently change the price in the catalog
Leave item in stock until credit note has been processed, once supplier has processed you can proceed onto the next stage.
- Navigate to a new invoice
- Select or create the supplier as a customer
- Tick 'view'
- Enter the credit note barcode into the barcode field and click OK
- Verify the purchase price is a negative value of the credit note.
- Optional: Enter any required notes
- Click OK to commit price and other information
- Click NIL PAY to finalise
- Done