This document will cover how to process a DOA mobile device and how to process a serial number swap once you have a replacement.
Returning a serialized Device back to Supplier
1. Navigate to the Repairs tab and then the OBF - Out of Box Failure
2. Select Phone, Supplier, enter in RA number and IMEI
*(Maximum Qty that can be entered at one time = 100)
3. Click OK and you will be given a summary with the raised Credit Note. This will also put the system into negative GP until the Credit Note is received.
4. Once you receive a Credit Note from the Supplier you need to remove the item from stock. Navigate to Stock then Search Stock to find item and remove.
5. Select the Phone option and enter CRNOTE in the name field then hit Search. Locate and copy the faulty IMEI Credit Note.
6. Proceed to sale screen by clicking Sale then Sell Product.
*For tracking purposes create a customer that's specific to the supplier (eg. SUPPLIER RETURNS) and use the same customer for any future returns through that supplier.
7. Click on Phone tab then enter CR number in the IMEI field and click on Search to sell it out as an outright sale.
8. There will be no sale price in the transaction as you will click NIL PAY to complete the sale. This will add a credit back into the system and zero out the previous negative sale.