The Additions and Deductions are used when selling out a Phone Plan, where you may include any additional revenue from Carrier or add services to an invoice.
- Navigate to “Maintain”, “Tariff Plan” and “Additions & Deductions”. Here you can maintain additional services you wish to add to a Phone Sale such as a Bonus.
- 2. Under “Addition/Deduction” you name the product you would like to add. Under “Amount” you can add the amount of revenue/GP you would like to add to the sale (This can also be a negative amount).
- “Show on Invoice” – You can choose whether to have product appear on the Invoice.
- “Revenue from Carrier” – Select “Yes” if you would expect to get this amount back from your Carrier.
- “Display Revenue Amount on Invoice” – Choose “Yes” if you would like the amount to show on the Invoice.
- “Read Only” – Select “Yes” if you would like the amount to not be able to be changed during the sale. - Once you have added the Addition/Deduction of your choice you can add this to the sale by clicking on the “Services” tab and choosing the product from the drop down options.