Build new product lines. Maintain supplier info, Control stock levels & more.
Navigate to the “Stock” and “Product Maintain” to create a new stock item. Enter in the product description and details including the product Barcode, Product Supplier Code etc. Wherever there is a (*) that field is mandatory. You can add more Manufactures, Colour, Category’s and Suppliers from clicking on the blue hyperlinks next to that field. Be uniform in choosing Categories for reporting purposes.
Continue to fill out the other fields such as Purchase Price sand Sale Price. You can put in a Minimum RRP if you don’t want the product to be sold under a certain value.
“Add Tax on Purchase Price” - You would leave this check-box unless the purchase price didn't include tax.
“In house barcode” - If the product doesn't have a barcode you can print one for it and scan from catalogue.
“Display on Website” – If you want the product to be displayed on internal website.
“Is Credit Note” – If you need to issue credits to customers from refunded sales you need to have this check-box ticked and create a product called “Credit Note”
“Sell Without Entry in Stock” – If you sell a product that you don’t physically hold in stock such as Epay or a service fee you should tick this check-box.
“Serialized Product” – If an item has its own unique serial code tick this check-box.
“Website Special” – Product will be displayed in the Special field on Website.
“End Of Line (EOL)” - You can tick on this check-box if the item is no longer available
You can set also a Min & Max level for stock so you won’t be able to over order the stock.