- Quote customer using stock lists and plan templates
- You can quote a customer for a product as well as a Phone & Plan combination.
- Navigate to the “Sale” Tab & click “Quote”.
- You need to either choose an existing customer or create one.
- Select a customer and it will add a “Product” & “Phone” tab. Under the “Product” tab you can search for a product to add into the quote. If you select the “Phone” tab you can select a phone for an outright quote or you can select a phone/plan combination.
- Once the product is selected click “OK” and you will be directed back to the Main screen. Here you can adjust the price, quantity and print the Quote. Repeat process for multiple products.
- To convert to sale, change status to Approved for Convert to Sale then hit Convert
6. This then takes you to the Sale screen where you need to Add this line item to commit it to the invoice
7. Now you can complete sale as per normal process