Lay-By is a way a customer can make payments towards a product in instalment.
- Navigate to the “Sale” tab & click “Sell Product”.
- Choose a customer from the Customer icon.
- Scan in or select a product from the “Product” tab.
- Click on the LayBy checkbox and in this case the customer wishes to make a payment of $20 towards the product.
- Type $20 in the payment amount field and select the payment method (E.g. Cash, Credit).
- Now select “Nil Pay” to put the remaining amount into outstanding.
- This amount will now show as owing under this invoice number for this customer.
- When the customer wants to pay the outstanding amount you will need to search for it. Select “Lay-by Payment” and search previous sale by invoice or by viewing a list of all outstanding Lay-by's
- Once the old sale is found it will show the Customers name, amount owing and original sale date. Click on the invoice number hyperlink to finalise sale.
- Take the remaining payment for the product or you can repeat this process for multiple payments.